FIRST TIME APPEARANCE IN CHICAGO !!! ;0) {oo)==v==(oo} It’s been a long wait, and have had many requests by everyone out there, But it is finally happening !!!
We are really excited about attending Flashback Weekend August 4th – 6th 2023 !! Looking forward to meeting up with all of the Horror fans in and around the area ! Please share and pass the word as I want to possess as many souls as possible during my visit !! Can’t wait to run into you all !!
Please click on the below links for more information on the event !! Some of the cast members from the film will be joining me , so you don’t want to miss this opportunity !!!
August will be here quicker then you can doze off behind the wheel !! (Please don’t try that at home, only Bill can get away with that while I’m driving him around !) ;0) {oo)==v==(oo}
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