April 9, 2016 in Uncategorized

BanGorefest Weekend October 2016


You are cordially invited to this chilling union of Man and Machine as they unite to travel the roads of life together. Love knows no boundaries!  Come see the possession first hand, in the city of her creator!

Event : BanGorefest Weekend
Location:  University of Maine – New Balance Field House – Long Road Orono, ME 04469
Date &  Time :  Friday October 28th – 30th 2016 , Wedding takes place Friday the 28th , Festivities begin at 6:00 pm  with ceremony starting promptly at  9:00 pm, reception party with road kill & refreshments to follow.

Bangorefest Celebration to continue throughout the weekend with Celebrity guests , Entertainment , and Much, Much, More!

Hotels and Lodging: Discount Link to Accommodations in local area.  Many fine locations to choose from !


Christine Cast and Crew in Attendance:

Alexandra Paul ( Leigh Cabot)

William Ostrander (Buddy Repperton)

Malcolm Danare  (Moochie Welch)

Steven Tash (Richie Trelawney)

Bill Phillips  – Screenwriter

More updates coming soon  !!  {oo)==v==(oo}

For more information on other Celebrity guests, announcements , and event schedule, Please click on the below links.


Bangor Comic & Toy Com


April 8, 2014 in Uncategorized

Dear Christine Fans

A message from Bill:

Dear Christine Fans,

I was disappointed to learn recently, that the person from whom I purchased Christine, had not been honest about her history. While we can now document that a significant portion of Christine was built from several of the actual screen used cars, she does not represent a specific one as I was lead to believe.

I still look forward to continue to share Christine with her fans.   She is one of the finest examples of the vehicle depicted in the film. Constructed and restored in that spirit, with the benefit of parts rescued from a slow and torturous death at Bill & Ed’s Junkyard (AKA The Christine Graveyard)

The Cast Members, event directors , past , present and future have been informed of the situation.  I want to thank them, and greatly appreciate all of their support moving forward.   Though she, in her entirety, may not have filled any particular frame of the classic film which bears her name. She still fires the hearts of her fans and ignites the imagination. While some of the specific details have changed, the spirit in which we enjoy and celebrate Christine remains strong.  This includes the cast , promoters and most importantly you, the Christine fans !!!!

With all of her special interactive features, her meticulous screen-accurate restoration, and the museum that travels with her, we look forward to presenting a one of a kind, complete interactive “Christine” movie experience for you!

Thank you for your continued support !!!


Bill and {oo)==v==(oo}

November 30, 2012 in In Memoriam

Dedicated to Derek Garvie R.I.P.

Dedicated to Derek Garvie R.I.P.

I would like to start out the first BLOG post in recognizing Derek & Jim Garvie if it were not for their interest, determination and passion, fulfilling my dream would have never been possible. Thank you both.  A percentage of net proceeds from the sales of Merchandise from this store & upcoming event sales will benefit the HDSA and other Charitable organizations requested by Jim Garvie on behalf of Derek.  Their story is as follows:

Derek was adopted at age 12 in 1987. I took him to see a special showing of CHRISTINE on Halloween night in Oklahoma City the first week he was with me. As we were walking out of the theater he said “We have to have one of those cars Dad!” (first time he called me Dad)… when Derek was diagnosed with Huntington’s in 2002, the neurological disease that is not curable, I posted emails around the world the next few months desiring an actual Christine movie car… in July 2003 I got a call at home from John in Simi Valley, Ca. saying he had one and would sell it to me ‘for Derek’ as he had read the story. ‘She’ arrived 8 days later by open truck to Oklahoma… what a look on Derek’s face as it came into town all red, white, mostly shiny, and menacing. Since we had to go back to England for me to teach & coach at Lakenheath Air Base 03/04 school year some folks in town got together, took Christine and for the next 10 months brought her exterior and interior back to movie-spec life (even found the 5 Mexican American signatures under the front and back seat upholstery) and also added options including the motion detector for speakers, lights, etc. for playing the movie soundtrack… what a sight for Derek to see as we returned to Oklahoma for good June 04. They opened the garage, started her engine with rumbling dual exhausts and drove her accidentally over a cat out into the sunshine. Christine’s speakers began to blare “Bad to the Bone”… even though we felt heartbroken for the cat, we all knew the moment belonged to Derek as his 18 year dream had taken place. It continues today… and everyday… with Christine being a very big part of our family. Every show we enter is special as folks just love to see and hear those pipes, those sleek lines, & hear that MUSIC blaring from her grill… we have won something almost every one of the 23 shows entered, except for two (including our hometown)—- those judges will pay when they least expect it… says Christine and Derek! God gave a special boy to our family in 1987… Even though I have personally experienced great success as a coach on the HS and collegiate level and have met or worked with many great people including Barry Switzer, Jimmy Johnson, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Osborn, Joe Carter, Mack Brown, Bobby Bowden and more… Derek is and always will be my hero, may he R.I.P.